Wildcrafted Earth medicine from the high desert of New Mexico
Remedio [reh-meh-dyoh]- remedy, cure; medicine
Locally wildcrafted and handmade in small batches, just how our abuelitas and the curanderas did it.
Abuelita [ah-bweh-lee-ta] -grandma
Curandera- [koo-rahn-de-rah] - a female folk healer or medicine woman who uses herbs or psychoactive plants, magic, and spiritualism to treat illness, induce visions, impart traditional wisdom, etc.; a female shaman.

about mañana Botanicals
Mañana Botanicals was crafted with the intention of preserving the sacred traditions and ancestral wisdom associated with the local remedies that have healed New Mexican communities for centuries. Our inspiration flourished as we reflected on the sanctified practices that were part of daily life during a time before modern medicine was accessible. We are incorporating this wisdom and going back to the basics as we turn to the Earth for guidance. Every product is sustainably processed from the land directly to the bottle without the use of chemicals, or fillers. At Mañana Botanicals the Earth is our medicine; May it also be yours. These are the remedios of yesterday and tomorrow.